
FFP2 protective masks new at LEICKE

von Marcel Fiegel - 14 Apr, 2020

FFP2 protective masks new at LEICKE

For more than 10 years LEICKE GmbH has been working successfully in Germany. We want to support our fellow citizens and we care about their protection. We want to contribute to the worldwide fight against the corona epidemic and have therefore adapted our assortment: We now have a FFP2 protective mask in our product range.

Transportation by airplane is currently severely restricted and declining worldwide, resulting in extremely increased transport costs. In order to still be able to offer a cost-effective product, we have decided to abstain single cardboard packaging and deliver the masks in a secure protective bag.

Our FFP2 masks are EU-certified and tested. We have known our suppliers for years and control every step of the manufacturing process very carefully, so that you get a high quality product at the end.