LEICKE KanaaN Apple MFi Certified Lightning to USB Cable | 2 in 1 with Lightning and Micro USB | Extra long 1.8 m | For all Apple iDevices | Premium, durable cable for iPad Air, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 5 and iPad mini

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Release date: 30.06.2015

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Technical data

  • Extra-long: 180 cm cable length, compatible with iPad 4, iPad Air, iPad mini, iPhone 5, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus & devices with Micro USB
  • Apple-certified MFi cable - works with every iOS Version
  • The KanaaN cable comes with premium quality connectors with genuine Apple parts
  • Robust cable, great durability
  • Package Content: LEICKE KanaaN 2 in 1 Lightning and Micro USB to USB 2.0 cable | Designed by LEICKE: Premium quality from your friendly supplier in Leipzig, Germany

Use the premium KanaaN 2 in 1 Lightning and Micro USB to USB 2.0 cable to charge your iDevices or smart devices with Micro USB or to connect them to a computer for data synchronisation. The cable is of the best possible quality since genuine Apple parts are used in the production. In addition, the cable is MFi-certified and thus approved by Apple for use with Apple devices.

Product Advantages:

- Compatible with all iOS versions, because genuine Apple parts are used.
- High-quality connector for use with mobile phone
- Long life due to a robust, durable cable construction
- Extra long cable: 1.8 m cable length give you great flexibility
- USB 2.0 to Apple Lightning or Micro USB


- iPad : 4 , 5 (Air), 6 (Air 2), mini, mini 2, mini 3
- iPhone 5, 6, 6L (Plus)
- iPod Touch 5
- Smart devices with Micro USB connector

Package Content: 

- LEICKE KanaaN 2 in 1 Lightning and Micro USB to USB 2.0 cable for Apple mobile devices and devices with Micro USB

Product Details

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